Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Chicago Tribune | Tighter than a bad shoe

An interesting note in the Chicago Tribune:

If you were a protester of any kind in Boston, where the Democrats held their convention, you were invited into a little prison-like pen under an abandoned elevated railroad track to have your say. It was a pathetic offense against everything the nation holds sacred. As for the convention center itself, it was like meeting in a United Nations refugee camp, but with appetizers.

. . . .

If you went to Boston because you believed passionately that abortion is wrong, for example, you got to voice your feelings in a little pen under severe constraints. If you came to New York to call the president a deceitful liar, bare your breasts to make a statement or strap on a faux penis shaped like a rocket, then you could well do that. You could also be among the many, many thousands who walked in their complete, engaging normalcy under a brilliant sun, shout all you wanted and even flip a bird at Madison Square Garden, if you were so moved. Maybe they are just different cities, but somehow, you would think the Democrats in Boston would have tried to be at least as welcoming as the Republicans who run New York.

And the Republicans are the fascists trying to stamp out dissent in America, huh?


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